Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Why Stuffie Killers?

Why did we name our blog stuffie killers?

Because that is our mission in life, to de-stuff our stuffies (stuffed animals for those not in the know).

We are keeping a running total of stuffies killed and stuffies maimed (missing an ear, arm, leg, etc)


pamibe said...

Congratulations on your new blog!

Bree says HI! She must kill every stuffed animal that comes across her path as well. :)

Lee Ann said...

Congratulations on your new blog! Darla & Boo Hahn say "Hi!"

Darla is with you on the stuffie killings. That which squeaks, must be disected. Boo Hahn does not get the concept and is content to just play and not maim her stuffies. But it's okay, Darla will destroy them for her. She's helpful like that!