Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bark With A Lisp?

Lance here -

We just got back from the vet, Maggie did not have a good time.

Mom took us in this morning and dropped us off, we didn't like that but she promised that we would be out of there in a couple hours.

I got my teeth cleaned and they told me that I have a little gingivitis on my back teeth but nothing to bad.

They came and got Maggie but she was gone much longer than I was. When they brought her back she was minus 2 front lower teeth and her cyst was gone.

The vet tech mentioned something about her teeth were loose from over crowding in her mouth so the teeth had to come out.

They also said her cyst looked like a wart but removed it nothing less.

Maggie is not feeling well and is putting on her feel sorry for me face, mom and dad are babying her like you would'nt believe.

I wonder if Maggie will bark with a lisp now that her 2 front teeth are missing?

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